Thursday, March 31, 2011

Visual Research

Here are two examples of the kind of work I hope to be able to produce by the end of this class:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Blog for a New Class

This is the blog where I will be posting all my work for my ART 450 class with Miles Inada.

Since I will be not attending a regular class period and just working on my project from home, I am going to try and update this blog regularly. I will be adding at least one post a week, but hopefully more than that.

I am still working on my formal project outline, but what I know for sure about it right now is that this independent study project will basically be a crash course in Adobe Flash. I have purchased the program and never personally used it before. I plan to make multiple short practice animated films and one longer and more developed film. The content of these films is yet to be decided.

Here is hoping that this will be a fun and enjoyable experience.

~Chelsea Engelman